Lunar New Year

Brighton Students Celebrate Lunar New Year on 2/7/2024 In-School Assembly

We are thrilled to announce that Brighton PTO is sponsoring a special Lunar New Year assembly on February 7th, 2024 and your children will be joining us in celebrating this vibrant cultural event during an in-school Assembly (K-8th)!

The Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is one of the most significant celebrations in various Asian cultures, symbolizing new beginnings, prosperity, and good fortune. To commemorate this auspicious occasion, we have organized an assembly featuring the mesmerizing Mak Fai Chinese Lion Dance performance (

Lion dances are a traditional part of Lunar New Year festivities, believed to bring luck and ward off evil spirits. Mak Fai’s talented lion dance team will dazzle and entertain the audience with their colorful costumes, intricate choreography, and energetic movements.

Prior to the assembly, students will learn about the Lunar New Year in detail as well as working on class projects to celebrate the Year of the Dragon.

Following the assembly, we will invite students to visit our Lunar New Year treat stand, where they can enjoy a delightful array of festive snacks and treats. From traditional sweets to rice cakes, there will be something for everyone to savor and enjoy.

This event provides a wonderful opportunity for our school community to celebrate diversity and learn about different cultures and traditions. It is our hope that through events like these, we can foster a sense of inclusivity and appreciation for the rich tapestry of cultures that make up our school community.

We encourage you to mark your calendars for this special celebration of Lunar New Year on February 7th and speak with your children about the upcoming celebrations. Together, let's ring in the Year of the Dragon with joy, laughter, and camaraderie.

Thank you for your continued support!

-Francie Zwicker - Brighton PTO Treasurer and Lunar NY Committee Chair