This year, we are trying a NO FUSS FUNDRAISER!

Are you tired of the PTO constantly asking you to donate money, buy art work your kid made or donate things to an auction you will probably buy yourself? LETS CHANGE IT UP!

Our goal is to raise $50k by September 22nd. This, combined with the FUN RUN in April will allow us to hit our yearly goal and be done with Fundraising! 

Our big push will be at the Back to School BBQ however if you would like to get it over with and really take advantage of the "No-Fuss" than you can make a donation to the PTO HERE (Reminder we are a non-profit so check with your accountant about tax write offs).

Not sure what to contribute? Consider what you would spend at an Auction...donating, spending etc. An average of $125 per student is needed to complete this goal!

Other ways to contribute to the PTO